Friday, October 5, 2012

Question 11 Answer, Neuropathology

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neuropathology
Question 11 Answer:

The correct answer is C, fever.

The most common type of seizure in children is the febrile seizure, which occurs when an infection associated with a high fever develops.

Other common causes of seizures in the pediatric population are cortical malformations and low grade supratentorial tumors. Cerebral tumors present with seizures, generalized and focal, in 25% to 50% of all patients.

Slow growing tumors are more prone to present with seizures than rapidly growing tumors and is the most common presentation of low grade glioma.

Cortical malformations cause aberrant signaling and are common foci for seizures.

Temporal lobe epilepsy is common cause for epilepsy in adults, and presents usually as a complex partial seizure.

Malignant tumors in children (medulloblastoma being the most common) are located in the infratentorial compartment and do not cause seizures from this site.

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