Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Question 18, Neurocritical Care

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neurocritical Care
Question 18:

A 25 year-old male is brought to the emergency room after suffering blunt trauma to his back and right leg. Vital signs: Tmax: 37 ÂșC, BP:130/80, HR: 92, R:19. Current GCS is 15. The patient has lower extremity paraplegia, decreased rectal sphincter tone, and a T12 sensory level. Hemoglobin repeated twice over one hour shows 14.4 and 14.3 gm/dL respectively. Standard of care for diagnosing an intraperitoneal bleed would be:

A. Emergent laparotomy
B. Abdominal Ultrasonography
C. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage
D. Upright abdominal X-ray

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