Friday, November 9, 2012

Answer for Question 23, Neurology

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neurology
Question 23:

A. Above the elbow, 3.0 mm/day

B. Between the elbow/wrist and the knee/ankle, 1.5 mm/day

C. Distal to the wrist/ankle, 0.5 mm/day

   1. Average: 1 mm/day
   2. Axonal regrowth is faster in the proximal limbs than in the distal limb.

Answer for Question 22, Neuropharmacology

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neuropharmacology
Question 22:

The correct answer is D, cabergoline

Cabergoline is less effective than octreotide but it is available in an oral preparation. Octreotide suspension must be injected intramuscularly.

   A.   Octreotide -> Somatostatin analogue -> More than 90% of patients show a reduction in growth hormone levels, only approximately 50-60% achieve levels of less than 2 ng/ml
   B.  Nimodipine -> Calcium channel blocker -> No role in treating acromegaly
   C.  Pegvisomant -> Growth hormone receptor blocker -> growth hormone levels cannot be measured in routine assays because the drug itself interferes with growth hormone assays but pituitary-derived growth hormone increases by a third, serum IGF-I levels are normalized in over 90% of patients
   D.  Cabergoline -> Dopamine agonist -> approximately 60% of patients will show a reduction in growth hormone levels, only about 10-15% achieve a mean level of less than 2 ng/ml.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Question 23, Neurology

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neurology
Question 23:

What is the approximate rate (in millimeters per day) of axonal growth in each of the following anatomic areas?

A. Above the elbow.
B. Between the elbow/wrist and the knee/ankle.
C. Distal to the wrist/ankle.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Question 22, Neuropharmacology

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neuropharmacology
Question 22:

The first line ORAL medication used to treat acromegaly is:

A. Octreotide
B. Nimodipine
C. Pegvisomant
D. Cabergoline

Friday, November 2, 2012

Answer for Question 21, Neurocritical Care

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neurocritical Care
Question 21:

The correct answer is C, lung hyperinflation.

Assisted-control ventilation (ACV) assists each spontaneous breath regardless of the respiratory rate, leading to hyperinflation, respiratory alkalosis and increased work of breathing in patients with tachypnea. 

Colen Publishing looking for Drupal Web Developer

Colen Publishing is looking for a energetic and self-motivated Drupal Web Developer! 

Anyone who are: 
1. Proficiency in Drupal web language 
2. Proficiency in overall web design and computer programming 
3. Positive Demeanor 
4. Self-Motivated 
5. Great group Work Ethic 
6. Punctuality Professionalism 
7. Lives in Metro-Detroit Area 

Please forward this to anyone who may be eligible. If you have any question, please send an e-mail to Have a great day everyone!