Friday, September 14, 2012

Question 7 Answer: Neurology

Eccentric topic of the Week, Neurology
Question 7:

Regarding the abducens nerve: 

A. True: It can be damaged in pseudotumor cerebri 

B. False: It exits from the ponto-mesencephalic junction 
C. False: Its lesion causes vertical diplopia 
D. False: It enters the orbit through the inferior oblique fissure
E. True: Its lesion is part of Millard-Gubler syndrome 

The abducens nerve exits the midbrain at the pontomedullary junction. It courses over the petrous bone and enters through Dorello’s canal. This long course makes it vulnerable to traction/compression injury in the conditions of intracranial hyper/hypotension. Its lesion does cause horizontal diplopia and it enters the orbit through the inferior portion of the superior orbital fissure. The abducens nerve is more frequently involved in fractures of the base of the skull than any of the other cranial nerves.*

*Pick TP, Howden R. The nervous system. In: Gray’s Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgical, 15th edition. London: Chancellor Press, 1985: 720. 

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