Friday, August 31, 2012

Question 1 Answer: Neurology

Eccentric topic of the Week
Question 1.

1) Regarding the optic nerve: 

A. False: It is located in the posterior fossa 

B. False: Optic neuritis causes bitemporal hemianopia
C. True: Optic nerve sheath meningioma can produce proptosis of the globe
D. True: It originates from the ganglion cells in the retina
E. False: Leber's optic neuropathy is a form of tobacco-alcohol amblyopia


The optic nerve (together with the olfactory nerve) is located in the supratentorial compartment. Optic neuritis or other lesions can cause a variety of monocular visual field defects, from scotomas to unilateral blindness. Leber's optic neuropathy is a heritable mitochondrial disorder that causes degeneration of retinal ganglion cells.*

*Fix JD. Development of the nervous system.High Yield Neuroanatomy, 2nd edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2000: 27.

for more information.

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