Monday, August 1, 2011

Real Technology for the Real World of Neurosurgery

Colen Publishing has always prided itself on being a real quality leader and so much more with all that we have to offer. Yet, did you know that Colen Publishing is proud to offer an IPHONE APP? This is a great example of Colen Publishing going above and beyond for our customers. Our Neurosurgery Board Review iPhone App is becoming a familiar tool in neurosurgical education. It was created in response to residency training needs and “going green in neurosurgery”.

Furthermore, we have converted our popular Operative Dictation: Neurosurgery handbook into an iPhone App. Colen Publishing’s Operative Dictation: Neurosurgery is an interactive app that supplies dozens of neurosurgical operative dictation templates, CPT coding, and the proper verbiage that should be utilized in an operative dictation. This IPHONE APP can be described in one word; amazing. When you need the best in Operative Dictation, it’s good to get the best and so much more with Colen Publishing and our IPHONE APPS.

Thus, let Colen Publishing and our technology stimulate your brain and your learning experience. Let Colen Publishing go to work for you with our amazing technology and so much more that we have to offer. Get the best. Get the best with Colen Publishing and our IPHONE APP.

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