Monday, May 20, 2013

Bettering your schedule; Let Colen Publishing help

The name of the game when it comes to a schedule in the medical field is multitasking. It's all about working a schedule where you can fit in studying, exams, classes, residency obligations, patient care and more. Now, for those of you who try and do the best when it comes to these career requirements, it may not always be easy to juggle, balance, and fit everything in as a whole. Therefore, you have to utilize the best resources when it comes to this lifestyle. You have to utilize the resources offered by Colen Publishing.

Also, it's important to remember that when you make the decision to pursue this kind of career, that you absolutely remember to put yourself on a healthy trajectory with all that you do. Furthermore, when it comes to a medical students schedule, it's all about balance, being kind to yourself, and taking it easy when needed. There are many simple things that you can do that can and will help when it comes to being successful as a medical student. Aside from having the proper studying materials offered by Colen Publishing you also have to make sure that you include the simple things in your day as a means of bettering your overall schedule. These things include drinking plenty of water, knowing how to handle improper forms of anxiety, taking the time to eat a solid and healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and even taking a deep breath from time to time so that you don't let yourself get overwhelmed.

Another big factor that can weigh into your schedule is sleep. It truly can not be stressed enough that having the right kind of schedule with your sleeping habits can make you better prepared for your job, better able to do well with exams and tests, and better able to feel as though you can tackle the day and its many tasks. Now, it's important to note that you should at a minimum get six to seven hours of real quality sleep when it comes to your sleeping habits. Quality sleep can best be defined as deep sleep, where your mind can and will be able to thrive, rest, go into a rem state, and more. Without quality sleep, not only will you have a great deal of difficulty with your daily routines, but you will also find that exams, tests, and making rounds are significantly more challenging. Thus, be sure to get the right amount of sleep when it comes to your hectic schedule, and of course make sure that it's quality sleep that can help you feel refreshed and better.

Also, be sure to let Colen Publishing help you, when it comes to your studying habits. Be sure to take advantage of twenty or thirty minutes of studying before bed time with our many resources. Utilize different studying resources such as iphone apps, flashcards, and more.

We at Colen Publishing want you to be successful when it comes to your studying habits, overall success, and of course we want a healthier and more productive you. We want to see you succeed, thrive, and get the most out of your experience, as you build your career around being successful, healthy, and happy. Let us help you on your journey in the field of medicine by bettering your schedule with all that Colen Publishing has to offer.

Chaim B. Colen M.D., Ph.D.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Test Taking Anxiety; How Colen Publishing can help

When it comes to test taking anxiety in the medical field, it's important to remember that there are many factors that come into play. The stress, and overwhelming feelings of anxiousness can be truly be hard to deal with, as a busy schedule along with exams, and more can really be a lot to deal with. Yet, did you know that some forms of anxiety can be healthy when it comes to taking exams? Although, not all forms of anxiety are healthy, there are many healthy forms of anxiety that can actually help with test taking. Also, with those that are causing you to not do well, or to have trouble succeeding, let Colen Publishing and our many great products help.

First and for most, let's talk about the healthy aspects of anxiety as a means of helping those of you out there of whom are struggling with anxiety and test taking as a whole. Contrary to popular belief, some forms of anxiety can help a person perform better, and they can actually sharpen ones senses, and make them a better quick thinker. The reasoning behind this, is that as some forms of anxiety create fight or flight methods, the fight aspects of the anxiety take over when needed most, and this of course applies to things such as test taking, exam taking, and more. Now, it's important to note that fight or flight isn't the only aspect when it comes to test taking and healthy anxiety. Much of test taking anxiety that is healthy, actually has a lot to do with the release of healthy chemicals in the brain that can stimulate sharper thinking, and more. Thus, when it comes to anxiety, exams, and test taking, it's important to remember that not all aspects of being anxious are bad, and you can in fact do better, and be more successful as a whole.

Yet, for those parts of anxiety that cause you to freeze, or lose your train of thought, or that cause you trouble as a whole, remember it's all about deep breaths, good mental visuals, positive affirmations, and taking advantage of the tools offered by Colen Publishing. Colen Publishing isn't just about helping you study for tests and exams, but instead we want to help reduce the negative forms of anxiety that cause you a tremendous amount of stress. With Colen Publishing, it's all about creating positive visuals, and positive affirmations, when it comes to your test taking experience. Therefore, be sure to get rid of your negative thoughts, feelings, and ideas when it comes to anxiety, and test taking. Instead, utilize some of Colen Publishing's great products, such as flash cards, iphone apps, books, and more.

It's all about sorting out the negative forms of anxiety and rebuilding yourself and focusing on the positive forms of anxiety that can help you get the exam results that you need and want. Thus, be sure to let Colen Publishing, and all we have to offer do amazing things for you, so you can and will be successful when it comes to test taking. Don't let negative anxiety stop you from excelling and reaching the top in your field of study, instead let the best come through in you with the help of Colen Publishing